User can make use of Helm charts to deploy Fiware at helm-charts.


To setup mongoDB required for Fiware GEs like orion and iot-agent below commands needs to be followed:

  1. Copy storage.yaml and values.yaml to the master node.

  2. Add repo using command:

helm repo add bitnami

  1. Create Persistent Volume from file using command:

kubectl apply -f storage.yaml

  1. Install mongoDB using command:

helm install --values values.yaml mongo bitnami/mongodb

Fiware GEs

User can follow any of the following two method to install Fiware GEs

  1. User can add the repository using command:

helm repo add fiware

and then install GEs by command:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> fiware/<CHART_NAME>

  1. User can clone the repository using command:

git clone

and then running the following command inside folder charts/<GE-name>:

helm install <GE-name> .

For Fogflow setup using Helm user can follow steps provided at:

For Scorpio Broker setup user can follow steps at: